At the age of 5 months Dhurianne Angela is already started crawling. She loves to crawl. We don't have enough space at home so I just let her crawl on our bed and also in the living room. We just cleaned the living room most of the time to make sure it is really clean and safe for the baby to crawl. Just this morning Dhurianne is having fun crawling on our bed. I placed here at the tip of of the bed then let her crawl going to another end. She's having fun also while crawling and it is like she's in a big crawl race. Well, do you thing there's such a contest like that? If so, I'm sure Dhurianne loves to join. lol!
Hi, Dhurianne! thanks for visiting my blog. It's good to know that your baby has started to crawl. Actually, there's an annual baby crawling race in Lithuania. I saw one of the videos before and it is fun to watch.